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I’ll never forget that mean girl who made fun of my eyeliner application in grade 9 or the years of feeling hopeless about my oily and acne-prone skin

 - Nadine


I grew up with an amazing mom with amazing skin who was into her forties when I was born. Just when I was at the age of starting to learn tips and tricks from her she was gone, those next 10 years were a bit dark for me. But out of darkness comes light and that's a story for another day.


Enter motherhood for me and doing it without my mom was hard and is hard. But again that's a journey of its own and a story for another time. What I want to share with you is what has helped me the most over the past almost a decade - Enter direct sales.


I was looking for a connection with women firstly women I didn't know so I pulled up my big girl socks and joined a company I remembered for my childhood, you know the one with all the plastic reusable kitchenware the one everyone knows. It was good I learned a lot from that company and they really do have some great items the only issue was the commission was very low and so basically I worked for FREE stuff and that was okay for the years I was with them and my children were little. But I still had not found what I was looking for so I join a vinal sign company, then a natural oils company, and then I found what I was looking for SKINCARE and MAKEUP.

I started to learn how to care for my skin and apply makeup to help me look and feel my best. WOW was I so surprised about all the stuff I didn't know about skincare! I became more confident, I started doing FB live demos on skincare & makeup, educating my customers and myself. Empowering them and myself to “love the skin your in”


Over the past 3 years, I’ve received many beautiful messages and comments from ladies thanking me for teaching them the things they wanted to know but were too afraid to ask their best friends out of fear of judgment.


As women, we often feel we should already know how to care for our skin or know how to apply concealer. The truth is many do not, I know I didn’t and neither did many of my clients.

It dawned on me about a year into my business that this was more than just “makeup”. I understand how vulnerable it can be trying to do your best with very little guidance or support.


That is why I'm joining FARMASi in 2021, to continue my journey to empower women to feel their best, with amazing products that everyone can afford. I loved my old skincare and makeup company the products really do work however, the prices were just too high for many of my ladies, I’m looking forward to supporting more women than ever before with FARMASI and the European high-quality products. Check out some of my other blogs or the main website for more information on products.


I'm no expert but I do know what it's like to be a woman in today's world. I can’t wait to share all my tips, tricks, anti-aging makeup, caring for your skin and so much more!!!! 💕

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